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Speed and Car Accidents

We've all seen the bumper stickers and freeway signs warning that: "Speed kills." Statistically, CAR ACCIDENT ATTORNEY SHERMAN OAKS agrees. The higher the speed a vehicle is traveling the greater the risk it will be involved in an accident. Studies have shown that there is an extremely high correlation between speeding and accident risk. For all speeds and all roads, this relationship exists. However, the accident risk varies with road and weather conditions.

Given the changing demographics of the driving population, research is being done to determine if the same relationship between speed and accidents exists when drivers are driving much slower than the average driver. Factors Affecting Driver Speed ACCIDENT ATTORNEY SHERMAN OAKS state that the following factors affect driver speed: Factors specifically related to drivers including: age, gender, alcohol level, number of people in the vehicle Road-related factors: road surface, road layout, quality of road which encourages high speed driving, traffic peak times Vehicle-related factors: vehicle power, maximum possible speed of the car; vehicle make; vehicle age Environment-related factors: traffic density, traffic composition, posted speed, weather conditions What is being done to Curb Speeding?

There are measures in place to curb drivers' excessive speeds:

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What do I need to do if I am involved in an automobile accident?

Being involved in an automobile accident is a serious matter even when major injuries are not involved. You are affected physically and emotionally at the time of the accident and sometimes for weeks or months after. Because of the initial shock of the accident, many people do not know what they should do or how to react. What you do immediately following the accident will affect your chances of recovering a fair and just settlement for your injuries. As an 18 year practicing personal injury attorney Los Angeles I understand how important it is to take the proper steps immediately following an accident. I believe everyone should be aware of these steps beginning with contacting a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

  1. Drivers that are involved in a minor accident where the parties are not seriously injured should move cars to the side of the road, if possible, to avoid causing more accidents. If the cars are not movable, a tow truck should be called as quickly as possible.
  2. If anyone is injured or if anyone feels the need for medical attention, call 911 for emergency assistance immediately.
  3. Contact your local emergency dispatcher to report the accident and request assistance from law enforcement. You need an official report as evidence to pursue your claim against the at-fault driver. Sometimes the police will not come to the accident scene; this does not mean you don’t have a good case. It means you must be especially careful to...

Benefits of hiring a Los Angeles personal injury attorney

Accidents are something that no one plans; however, they are an unpleasant fact that we must deal with as we travel the busy highways and roads of our cities and states. If you have ever been involved in an automobile accident, you know the toll that it can take on you and your family. Likewise, if you have been injured due to the negligence or recklessness of another person or company, as result of a car accident, unsafe premises, a defective product liability or medical malpractice, you know how devastating the emotional, financial and physical trauma can be to you and your family. Having a Los Angeles personal injury attorney on your side to protect your interests is the best way to ensure that you will receive fair and just compensation for your injuries. There are many benefits to hiring a Los Angeles personal insurance attorney in addition to having an advocate that fights for your rights.

Education - A personal injury attorney keeps up with the ever-changing laws that govern personal injury cases. You want a lawyer who can give you sound legal advice and guidance based on the most current laws in your state. An attorney who practices several types of law may not be up-to-date on the most current personal injury laws because they are trying to cover several areas of law rather than specializing in personal injury law.

Experience - An experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney knows the courts, judges and...

Can I still recover damages if the at-fault driver is killed in the accident?

It is tragic when anyone dies as the result of an automobile accident; however, when that party is the at-fault driver, many people assume that they have no recourse and must shoulder the financial burden of their injuries alone. However, by contacting the best injury attorney Los Angeles, you will discover that you do have rights and there are ways to recover damages even in this unfortunate circumstance.

Typically, when you are injured in an automobile accident, you contact the best injury attorney Los Angeles to discover that you can sue the at-fault driver for monetary damages to compensate you for your injuries, lost wages and pain and suffering. However, what happens when the at-fault driver dies as a result of the accident. Let us assume that two friends are driving to the beach and the driver tries to make a telephone call but loses control of the vehicle and crashes. The driver is killed instantly but his passenger survives and sustains serious injuries. He is hospitalized for two weeks and then must receive physical therapy for the next three months before he can fully recover and return to work. The passenger was not at fault in this accident; however, he is the one that has sustained serious injuries, is incurring substantial medical costs and will incur lost wages because he cannot return to work for months. The passenger is devastated that his friend died in the wreck and he does not want to add more grief to his friend’s family by claiming...