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Know Your Rights

If you, or a close family member have been injured in a car accident, Cutrone & Associates, your local Car Accident LAWYER SHERMAN OAKS wants you to know that you have rights. As experienced car accident attorneys, we are here to protect those rights.

Luckily, most car accidents are relatively minor and the damage is minimal. But Just because there isn’t major damage to your car does make the process of recovery “simple.” When it comes to making insurance claim or initiating a law suit, there is no such thing as “simple.”

Regardless of how little damage there is to your vehicle, you may have still sustained a soft tissue or whiplash injury that over time persists into chronic pain. As a Car Accident LAWYER SHERMAN OAKS, Cutrone & Associates has expertise in presenting minimal impact-significant injury claims to both insurance companies and juries. As a competent personal injury attorney, our firm can help you recover full financial compensation for medical care, lost wages, and personal property losses.

Car accidents have a number of causes. Many stem from negligent driving including texting behind the wheel, cell phone abuse and DUI. Driver error or negligence is the number one cause of automobile accidents in North America. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a factor in 33% of all fatal automobile accidents throughout the U.S.

Other forms of driver negligence that form grounds for a personal injury claim include: speeding, reckless driving, and failure to obey traffic laws. Driver errors like failing to check for oncoming traffic before making a left turn or a lane change of failing to check the blind spot, or not looking both ways before entering traffic at an intersection might also constitute grounds for a lawsuit.

Rarer causes of Sherman Oaks car accidents might involve automobile defects, automobile malfunction, poor road  or weather conditions.

Safe roads and vehicles are important concerns when it comes to driving. A competent personal injury attorney can advise you if there are grounds for a claim or lawsuit involving road conditions or automobile defects.

Most drivers know that If the other driver has been negligent or has committed a wrong doing that caused your car accident you may be able to hold that driver responsible.  It less common knowledge that In the case of an automobile malfunction or defect you may have a case against the auto manufacturer or part manufacturer. In cases of poor road conditions, you may be able to hold the local municipality, state or federal government responsible for poorly maintained or badly designed roads or intersections.

For more information on car accident claims, and whether you have grounds for a lawsuit, contact the Car Accident LAWYER SHERMAN OAKS of Cutrone & Associates.