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Road Rage and Car Accidents

What is Road Rage?
This term was coined in 1978 to describe aggressive or angry behavior by a car driver. Road rage might manifest itself in rude gestures, verbal slurs, deliberately driving in a threatening manner, or uttering threats.

Why is Road Rage a Concern?
Be aware that road rage can lead to altercations, assaults, and collisions. Road rage can be the direct cause of injuries or deaths. Road rage is, at best, an extreme case of aggressive driving.

How Prevalent is Road Rage?
According to AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEY SHERMAN OAKS, road rage on American roads is the cause of at least 1,500 people being injured or killed each year.

Examples of Road Rage
In California, a twenty-five-year-old driver flew into a rage when the driver of another car cut him off on the highway. He followed the driver to a nearby restaurant. After yelling at the older man, twenty-five-year-old stabbed the other driver with a knife. He was convicted of second-degree murder.

A New Jersey, mother and her two children were run off the road by young driver who had been tailgating them at a high speed and gesturing for them to get out of his way. When he was able to pass, he veered into her path forcing her to swerve to the shoulder lane. Her car flipped over a median and landed in a ditch. The accident broke both the mother’s legs. Her kids suffered minor injuries. The aggressive driver served nine months in jail.

While these are extreme cases, road rage is prevalent—particularly on heavily travelled roads.

What to do if you Encounter Road Rage
AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEY SHERMAN OAKS suggests you do the following if you encounter road rage:

  • Do not fight anger with anger. Get out of the way of an aggressive driver.
  • Don’t wave a red flag to these drivers by speeding up or obstructing these drivers.
  • Wear your seat belt at all times. It’s the law and it saves lives and prevents serious injuries.
  • Do not make eye contact. This can anger an aggressive driver.
  • Ignore offensive behavior from other drivers. Never respond.
  • Use your horn only in emergencies to warn another driver who appears not to see you.
  • Lock your car doors. Keep the windows and sunroof only partially open.
  • Report aggressive drivers to the authorities immediately. Give license number and location and make and model if possible.
  • If an aggressive driver is involved in an accident, keep a safe distance from the scene. Wait for police. Report the driving behavior that you witnessed.
  • If you’re pursued by an angry motorist, drive to a police station where you can get help.
  • Try to avoid driving behavior that will set off other drivers. For example:
  • Don’t hog the passing lane. Pass and move out of this lane.
  • Don’t tailgate.
  • Signal before you switch lanes.
  • Don’t cut another driver.
  • Don’t flash your high beams at other motorists.
  • Don’t get distracted by texting or talking on your phone.

For more information oncar accident claims involving road rage, contact AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEY SHERMAN OAKS