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What to do in Case of an Auto Accident

AUTO ACCIDENT LAWYER NORTH HOLLYWOOD wants you to realize that it is important to know the actions you should take if you are involved in an auto accident. You should contact the police immediately. A police report will help establish fault on the other party. You may give the police details about the accident. Try to give an accurate report of what occurred. Take pictures. Get the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. Exchange name, driver’s license, address and insurance information with the other driver(s) involved. But above all, do not discuss any details about the accident or your injuries or give a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company.  This is very important as the other driver’s insurance company will looking for ways to establish fault or partial fault against you.  Always talk to a lawyer before talking with the other driver’s insurance company.

However, you should call your car insurance company. Provide details, time, place of the accident, other driver’s insurance details.

If a personal injury has occurred, there may be grounds for a claim. As such,  AUTO ACCIDENT LAWYER NORTH HOLLYWOOD urges you to hire a personal injury attorney with experience in these matters. Insurance companies are usually anxious to settle claims quickly and for the least amount possible. It is financially favorable for their shareholders for them to do so. Remember, insurance companies are a money-making venture. Do not be fooled into believing the other driver’s insurance company has your best interests at heart. You do not have first-party relationship with that company, that is, you don’t pay that company a premium and so that company does not owe you a duty to be fair.  A personal injury lawyer can assess whether you have grounds for a claim and whether the settlement you are being offered is just compensation for your injuries.

Through an insurance claim or litigation if needed, you can seek reimbursement for damages and expenses that include:

    • Medical expenses related to injuries sustained in the auto accident.
    • Lost wages due to missed work as a result of the accident injuries and rehab.
    • Auto repair bills for damaged caused to your vehicle in the accident.
    • General damages for pain and suffering

Your personal injury attorney will contact the responsible driver, the person’s attorney, or his/her insurance company to inform them of your intent to make a claim.  If the matter cannot be settled, keep in mind that personal injury lawsuits generally have a 2 year statute of limitations by which a lawsuit must be filed in court and as little as 6 months if the responsible party is or is employed by a government agency and 1 year if medical malpractice. Once the statute of limitations expires, your rights to make a claim are usually gone. This is another good  reason why it is good to have a personal injury attorney.

Once an Auto Accident Lawyer is involved in your claim, the responsible driver and his/her insurance company is more likely to settle and avoid a lawsuit.

For more information on personal injury claims resulting from car accidents and whether you have grounds for a lawsuit, contact: AUTO ACCIDENT LAWYER NORTH HOLLYWOOD