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How to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEY NORTH HOLLWOOD wants drivers to be aware that insurance companies profit from paying less than a fair settlement to injury victims. Insurance companies and their lawyers know personal injury law inside out. Because they are so experienced in and well-versed in personal injury claims as a result of automobile accidents the tables are always going to be on their side.

That’s why AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEY NORTH HOLLWOOD recommends that if you are seeking compensation of any kind as a result of a car accident you always hire a personal injury attorney.

An experienced personal injury lawyer knows exactly how to build a case for you. Personal injury attorneys know how to talk to insurance companies and when to take your case to court.

Personal injury lawyers are also highly skilled at battling insurance companies to get you the best out-of-court settlement.

Never talk to insurance companies yourself — even your own insurance company! Insurance companies will take advantage of your inexperience and trusting attitude. They will try to buy you off with the least amount they can to get you to settle fast.

Insurance companies will also try to get you to sign off on a claim. Sign nothing until your personal injury attorney has read it.

Good personal injury lawyers earn more than their fee by getting you a higher settlement.

Until you have hired a personal injury attorney, talk to no one about your accident. File your accident report with the police. Be explicit and detailed. Do not discuss the accident with the other driver, witnesses, friends or family!

How much does a personal injury attorney cost?

Personal injury lawyers often take personal injury cases on a contingency basis. This means that they receive a percentage of the settlement as their fee—only if they win a settlement. If they lose, you pay nothing. The percentage could be as high as 40%.

Where to Find A Personal Injury Attorney

There is no magic formula for finding the best personal injury attorney. Ask trusted friends, relatives, colleagues, your doctor another lawyer…The best avenue is to seek a referral from another attorney whom you trust.

Are there special types of personal injury lawyers?

Most personal injury lawyers have areas of specialty. For example, there are attorneys who specialize in medical malpractice law. Others handle workers’ compensation cases. Seek a lawyer or firm that handles personal injury cases resulting from car accidents.

For more information on how to hire a personal injury attorney if you have been involved in an automobile accident, click on: AUTO ACCIDENT ATTORNEY NORTH HOLLWOOD.