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What do I need to do if I am involved in an automobile accident?

Being involved in an automobile accident is a serious matter even when major injuries are not involved. You are affected physically and emotionally at the time of the accident and sometimes for weeks or months after. Because of the initial shock of the accident, many people do not know what they should do or how to react. What you do immediately following the accident will affect your chances of recovering a fair and just settlement for your injuries. As an 18 year practicing personal injury attorney Los Angeles I understand how important it is to take the proper steps immediately following an accident. I believe everyone should be aware of these steps beginning with contacting a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

  1. Drivers that are involved in a minor accident where the parties are not seriously injured should move cars to the side of the road, if possible, to avoid causing more accidents. If the cars are not movable, a tow truck should be called as quickly as possible.
  2. If anyone is injured or if anyone feels the need for medical attention, call 911 for emergency assistance immediately.
  3. Contact your local emergency dispatcher to report the accident and request assistance from law enforcement. You need an official report as evidence to pursue your claim against the at-fault driver. Sometimes the police will not come to the accident scene; this does not mean you don’t have a good case. It means you must be especially careful to document the damage to the vehicles, your injuries, the date, time and location of the accident and obtain the names and phone numbers of any witnesses.
  4. If possible, take pictures of the accident scene or have someone take pictures for you including both vehicles, the surrounding area and any skid marks or other evidence pertinent to the accident.
  5. Obtain the names and addresses of all drivers, passengers and any witnesses to the accident. If anyone makes a statement or comment about the accident, you need to note what was said including the time of the statement and to whom the comment was made.
  6. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible following the accident and complete any paperwork or documentation necessary to ensure that the claim is filed with the insurance company and with law enforcement.
  7. Never give a statement, recorded or not, to an insurance agent without first contacting a personal injury attorney Los Angeles. Anything you say can be used against you later at trial or during settlement. It is better to have an experienced personal injury attorney Los Angeles advise you before making any statement about the accident.

Automobile accidents are a burden to individuals in many ways – physically, emotionally and financially. Fortunately, there are experienced personal injury attorneys who can help you recover monetary damages for the injuries you have sustained. You do not need to handle an auto accident alone. Having a seasoned, experience personal injury attorney on your side to protect your rights is the number-one way to ensure that you will receive a fair and just settlement.